
Many migrants remain grateful to the Australian government and its people for the newly found freedom and liberty. With this in mind, the desire to reciprocate the compassion afforded to them is insatiable. Philip Lako aims to:

  • Welcome and assist newly arrived migrants settle in Australia.
  • Assist migrants understand their safety and wellbeing responsibilities including rights as employees.
  • Assist the newly arrived migrants understand challenges including social and cultural expectations.
  • Mentor young people especially from CALD backgrounds to embrace the new challenges with hope.
  • Encourage CALD migrants understand the expected legal and social responsibilities in Australia.
  • Support other charitable organisations in any capacity to facilitate culturally appropriate services.
  • Collaborate with service providers to appreciate and understand challenges to migrants in Australia.
  • Provide general remarks on Disability and Ageing courses including employment opportunities.
  • Provide testimony about what kindness and mercifulness means to the disadvantages.
  • Engage CALD men in gender specific health challenges.
  • Share own life story of deprivation, destitution and resilience with youth, parents or businesses.
  • Testify about the act of kindness and mercifulness and what these virtues personally meant in life.
  • Work with employers understands CALD work cultures especially safety and conflict resolution.
  • Assist with orientation and introduction to other relevant services including social security
  • Assistance with enrolment into school or adult learning programs.
  • Assist businesses understand cultural impact on workers’ output.
  • Assistance with grocery shopping including developing a customised shopping list including possible isle items can be purchased.